What Are CBD Gummies And What Are The Benefits

A Doctor’s advice should be sought before using any CBD supplemental Products should be used only as directed by the manufacturer and should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Always consult with a physician before use if you have a medical condition or use prescription medications.

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What Are CBD Gummies and What are the Benefits

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis sativa plant. According to a recent article in Forbes magazine, CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your body’s endocannabinoid system that assist in regulating mood and movement as well as boosting your immune system. CBD oil is one of the most common ways people get the compound into their system. However, recently, CBD oil gummies have become very popular.

What are CBD Oil Gummies?

CBD gummies are similar to the candy gummies you can purchase at your local grocery store. They are very similar to gumdrops or jellybeans and are available in either sweet or sour flavors. You can also get them in a variety of shapes, including CBD gummy bears that look just like the candies your children eat.

Do the Gummies Make You High?

The cannabis plant family includes marijuana, but it also includes industrial hemp which is legally grow in the United States. Hemp is currently grown for use in clothing manufacturing and other legal purposes. The compound in marijuana that causes a “high” is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Marijuana contains a significant amount of THC while hemp contains a significant amount of CBD. While THC can cause feelings of euphoria that is equivalent to being high, CBD works with other elements of the body to create a feeling of well-being this is not the same as being high. Therefore, just CBD gummies will not make you high, but will give you a feeling of relaxation.

What Do CBD Gummies Do?

As mentioned, CBD gummies can help you feel more relaxed, less stressed and calm anxiety. This is because your ECS system is made up of many CB1 and CB2 receptors which are found throughout the body and in the immune system. CBD gummies trigger the ECS to react a certain way. This may mean reduced inflammation or signals that what is causing anxiety does not need to elicit such a strong response.

How will the Gummies Make You Feel?

Everyone reacts differently to CBD oil gummies just as everyone reacts differently to most vitamins, minerals and other drugs. Gummies have been used to treat chronic pain as they minimize inflammation. They can also help you feel calmer and more relaxed, improve your sleep, relieve stress and minimize anxiety. In addition, pain may be reduced as the gummies offer anti-inflammatory properties.

How Many Gummies Should I Eat?

*Always consult a doctor before taking CBD Gummies

Because CBD can affect everyone differently, it is important to start with a CBD gummies dosage that is fairly low. Too often, people think they should take large doses of the gummies so they will feel the effects sooner, but this could have negative results. CBD gummies can have side effects, including dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite as well as drowsiness or fatigue. Therefore, it is important to start with the lowest dose possible and increase dosage slowly until you find the amount that works best for you. Standard dosages in each gummy is around 5 mg which may be enough for one person while another may need CBD gummies 1000mg or higher. CBD gummies 1000mg to 1500 mg are the most commonly used dosages and this level of CBD is well tolerated by most adults

How Long Do They Take to Start Working?

CBD oil gummies may take longer to work than other forms of the compound as the gummy must be digested in order for them to get into your bloodstream. Like other things you eat, gummies must be dissolved in the stomach and travel through the small intestine which delivers about 80 percent of the nutrients to your body. Therefore, it can take as much as 30 minutes before the gummies have an effect on your body. Keep in mind, however, that CBD gummies dosage can also have an impact on how quickly they begin to work.

Using CBD Gummies for Sleep

Experts recommend the average adult get at least seven hours of sleep each night yet 70 percent of adults say that they get less than six hours nightly. For many of these adults, falling and staying asleep can be difficult leading to a lack of energy during the day, difficulty concentrating and other medical issues. Many have turned to CBD gummies for sleep as a natural way to fall asleep faster and remain asleep longer without feeling groggy or out of sorts the next day. There is research that indicates higher doses of CBD may cause sedation effects while low doses may cause stimulating effects, so it is important to adjust dosages to meet your needs when using CBD gummies for sleep.

Using CBD Gummies for Anxiety

Research indicates that CBD gummies have an impact on your serotonin levels, the chemicals in your body that regulate mood, digestion, sleep and behavior. It has been demonstrated that increasing serotonin levels can help treat anxiety. In fact, many antidepressants are designed to regulate serotonin levels. CBD gummies for anxiety are a more natural way to control those levels and may have fewer side effects than prescription antidepressants. Several studies have been conducted on CBD gummies for anxiety. One 2011 study found that CBD reduced anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder while a 2019 study found that 91 percent of participants who suffered from PTSD had reduced symptoms after using CBD. In addition to using CBD gummies for anxiety, there is recent research that indicates the gummies can help fight depression.

Using CBD Gummies for Pain

There is research that indicates CBD gummies for pain is an alternative to pain medications with addictive properties such as opioids. Although there is more research needed, some believe that the CBD gummies for pain allow the CBD to interact with the ECS system, reprogramming receptors that tell your body it is in pain. Research has also shown anti-inflammatory properties with CBD oil gummies.

What are the Best CBD Gummies?

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what the best CBD gummies may be as it depends on your reason for using the gummies. Before choosing the best CBD gummies, there are things you need to check. Be sure that the company that manufactures the gummies provides proof of third-party testing by a lab that is ISO 17025 compliant and that they disclose the source of the hemp used to create the gummies. You also want to check the ingredients for artificial additives and preservatives. Avoid high fructose corn syrup and, if you are vegan, be aware that some gummies may be made with animal byproducts. When choosing the best CBD gummies for sleep, look for gummies with a higher CBD content as higher doses of the compound provide better sedation properties. Another way to choose the best CBD gummies for sleep, anxiety or any other reason is to read CBD gummies review sites. Other customers will provide details on the best dosage, how the product worked and any side effects they may have suffered after taking them. Many locations that have CDB gummies for sale can also help you choose the right product for your needs.

Research is promising regarding the benefits you can receive from just CBD gummies but it is important not to simply look for CBD gummies for sale. There is evidence they can help you get a better night’s sleep, reduce pain and help you control anxiety. A search of where to buy CBD gummies may provide the answer to “CBD gummies near me,” but they may not provide you with enough information that will help you choose the best CBD gummies for sleep, anxiety or pain. If you are looking for where to buy CBD gummies, contact us today and we will help guide you through the purchasing process and help you make a selection that will best suit your needs.